miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

cold words start with the letter "s"

•It's cold! D'you ever notice how many cold words start with the letter "s"?
•Like SNOW, for example.
•Yes, and SLEET.
•And all the words for what you do when it's cold.
•You SHIVER, SHAKE, SNIFFLE. And all the words for what you have to do when it's cold.
•And then there are the "s" words for things that are fun to do when it's cold.
SLED, SKI, and SKATE ...
•And the bad things that happen to your car in the cold: STALL, SKID ...
•... SLIDE, STUCK. And don't forget SLUSH

SNOW: to fall snowflakes (nevar)
SLEET: to fall partially melted snow (caer aguanieve)
SHIVER: to shake, to tremble (tiritar)
SHAKE: to vibrate with cold (temblar)
SNIFFLE: to breath heavily (respirar con dificultad)
SHOVEL: to dig with a shovel (palear)
SCRAPE: to scratch (rascarse)
SALT: to add salt to dissolve or melt snow (tirar sal para disolver la nieve)
SAND: to add sand (tirar arena sobre la nieve)
SCARF: a garment worn around the neck for warmth (bufanda, chalina)
SLED: to ride on a sled (andar en trineo)
SKI: to move along on skis (esquiar)
SKATE: to move laong on skates (patinar)
SLALOM: to race on skis around obstacles (esquiar entre obstáculos)
SCHUSS: to ski downhill (esquiar cuesta a bajo)
STALL: to stop operating (dejar de funcionar)
SKID: to side without control (resbalar sin control)
SLIDE: to move sideways (moverse de costado)
STUCK: to stop working (dejar de funcionar)
SLUSH: to splash (salpicar al pasar un auto)

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