lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Hi from Spain. Escribe una carta

From: Alba
To: Claudia
Subject: Hi from Spain

Hi Claudia!
Thanks for your email.
Of course I can tell you abouT Chiristelle, because she is my sister-in-law.
She's 21, and she's studying Psychology.  She likes going out with my brother and their friends all Fridays.  She likes going to he cinema and listenning to music.  She loves animals but actually she doesn't have any pet (the last dog died last August).  She's quite introvert, she likes staying a lot of time in her bedroom.  She's very independent and responsible.

She's working in a special center with children (she's incredibly hard-working).  Now, she lives with my brother, near her family.  I think Christelle is very polite and you and your family will get on well with her.
Let me know if you need more information about her.


From AlbaM.3AEOI.

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